To check the which all mysql rpm’s are available use the command:
rpm -qa | grep -i mysql-
First of all take a backup of /var/lib/mysql, and also ask the other users to keep a backup it with them. This can also be a .sql file. The command to take a backup is:
cp /var/lib/mysql /var/lib/mysql.bk
Now, you will have to edit the cPanel config file and make manual changes under this, so edit it with the command:
nano /var/cpanel/cpanel.config
And here, find for the line “mysql-version=5.0” and change it to “mysql-version=4.1”
Now, we will forcefully install mysql by the following command:
/scripts/mysqlup --force
You can now check again with the command:
rpm -qa | grep -i mysql-
This is done and worked for me.
Let us know if this has helped you and have any suggestions on this.
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