How to Configure Application Pool in IIS

An application pool provides you with a way of isolating Web sites from each other even though they are being hosted on a common server.

Each application pool is given its own set of server resources.

The main advantage is, if a Web site crashes, it won’t effect sites in other application pools.

There are a few ways to tune Application Pool’s performance.

1. To do so, Start | IIS | website | Right click on Application Pool which you need to configure.

2. Click “Recycling” tab | Check the box “Recycle worker processes” and enter the value as 1740

3. Click “Performance” tab | Check the box “Shutdown worker processes after being idle for” under “Idle Timeout” section and enter the value as 20

Check the box “Limit the kernel request queue” under “Request kernel limit” section. The value is 4000.

4. Enter the value as 1 for “Maximum number of worker processes” under “Web garden” section

5. Click “Health” tab | Check the box “Enable pinging” | Enter the value as 20 for “ping worker process every”

Check the box “Enable rapid-fail protection” | Enter the value as 5 for “Failures” and “Time period”

Set the value as 90 for “Worker process must startup within” under the section “Startup time limit”

Set the value as 90 for “Worker process must shutdown within” under the section “Shutdown time limit”


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