Installation of PHPmotion V2

System Requirements

[ALL versions of phpmotion]

In order to run PHPmotion you will need either to have a dedicated/vps server with the required modules installed OR a web hosting provider that has these features.

Servers - Linux/Unix

Required Modules

  • PHP 4.3 and above (including support of CLI)

  • MySQL database server

  • LAME MP3 Encoder

  • Libogg + Libvorbis

  • Mencoder and also Mplayer

  • FFMpeg-PHP

  • GD Library 2 or higher


  • Be able to run background processes

PHP Settings

  • open_basedir = (no value)

  • upload_max_filesize = 100M

  • post_max_size = 100M

  • max_execution_time = 1500

  • session.gc_maxlifetime = 14000

  • safe_mode = off

  • Thread saftery = disabled

  • enable_dl = On

PHPMotion does offer a server set up service

Installing PHPmotion V2

The following instructions only apply to Version 2 of PHPmotion. For V1 please refer to the instructions provided inside the downloaded zip file

  1. Determin what versin of PHP is running on your server. There are 2 ways to do this

  2. Download the appropriate version of phpmotion for your server (From our forum). We provide a version for both PHP4 and PHP5 servers

  3. Unzip the files on your computer

  4. Using your web hosting control panel or similar, create a mysql database and write down the details of the database once created

  5. Upload all the phpmotion files into your FTP folder

  6. CHMOD all the following files and directories to 777

    • /setup

    • /pictures

    • /classes

    • /temp

      • /logs

    • /addons

    • /uploads

    • /uploads/avi

    • /uploads/thumbs

    • /uploads/audio

    • /uploads/audio/temp

    • /uploads/pictures

  7. CHMOD all the following files and directories to 755

    • /cgi-bin/all files in there

    • /cgi-bin/audio/all files in there

  8. Start the installation wizard by going to http://YOUDOMAIN.COM/setup (replace with your real domain name)


  1. The following files MUST be uploaded in BINARY mode. Your FTP program will have an option for this

    • /classes/config.php

    • /watchingnow.php

    • /mp3_id3_utils.php

Installing PHPmotion V2 to a Sub-Folder

If you are installing to a subfolder (example

  1. Follow ALL the standard setup instructions above

  2. The following files will need to be edited using a plain text editor like notepad

    • /cgi-bin/

    • /cgi-bin/audio/

    • uploader_conlib.php

    • audio_uploader_conlib.php

  1. /cgi-bin/ and /cgi-bin/audio/

open each file and locate the section with:
config_file_name         => 'uu_default_config',
temp_dir => $ENV{'DOCUMENT_ROOT'} . '/temp/',
upload_dir => $ENV{'DOCUMENT_ROOT'} . '/uploads/avi/',
redirect_url => '/uploader_finished.php',
path_to_upload => '/uploads/avi/',

Change it to:
config_file_name         => 'uu_default_config',
temp_dir => $ENV{'DOCUMENT_ROOT'} . '/myvideos/temp/',
upload_dir => $ENV{'DOCUMENT_ROOT'} . '/myvideos/uploads/avi/',
redirect_url => '/myvideos/uploader_finished.php',
path_to_upload => '/myvideos/uploads/avi/',

  1. uploader_conlib.php and audio_uploader_conlib.php

open each file and locate the section with:
     $path_to_upload_script      = '/cgi-bin/';
$path_to_ini_status_script = '/cgi-bin/';

Change it to:
     $path_to_upload_script      = '/myvideos/cgi-bin/';
$path_to_ini_status_script = '/myvideos/cgi-bin/';


If you are having the following problems

1. Videos not showing
2. No sound
3. Missing thumbnail pictures
4. Any other video related problem

Debugging (recommended option)

- Open the file classes/config_inc.php

- Set the $log_encoder variable to yes.

- This will create a log file each time you upload a new video

- The log file will be located in the logs folder

Example : $log_encoder = "yes";


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