Yabb forum 500 Internal Server Error

One of my client was getting 500 internal error in the Yabb forum, so I had to search a lot to get a fix. I am placing below some of the way to fix or find a source of the issue.

1. Add the below line in the .pl where you are getting error (like Yabb.pl, settings.pl, etc):

use CGI::Carp qw(fatalsToBrowser);

If you are still getting 500 internal server error and no specific information then that means that the server modules on which the above line relies does not exists. In most of the servers, you should get the specific error or at least get the server to display more information on why it is giving 500 Internal server error.
2. Make sure you uploaded the scripts in ASCII format.
3. Make sure the paths mentioned in Paths.pl is correct and does actually exists.
4. Check the permissions of the files; most of them just require 755 and it should be fine.
5. Check the value of $use_flock in Settings.pl (the file should be in the 'Variables' folder in your Yabb forum root directory); '1' for Unix/Linux and WinNT, and '2' for Windows 95/98/ME.


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